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📖 Verse of the day

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

Colossians 3:2

Translation: King James Version

to the chapter

The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.

Proverbs 12:24

Verse explanation

Colossians 3:2

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

Author: Gregory of Nyssa
Posted on: 2022-11-13

So … if reason instead assumes sway over such emotions, each of them is transmuted to a form of virtue. For anger produces courage, terror caution, fear obedience, hatred aversion from vice, the power of love the desire for what is truly beautiful. High spirit in our character raises our thought above the passions and keeps it from bondage to what is base. Indeed, even the great apostle praises such a form of mental elevation when he bids us constantly to “think those things that are above.” So we find that every such motion, when elevated by loftiness of mind, is conformed to the beauty of the divine image.

Author: John Chrysostom
Posted on: 2022-11-13

This is not your life, he says, it is some other one. He is now urgent to remove them, and insists upon showing that they are seated above, and are dead; from both considerations establishing the position, that they are not to seek the things which are here. For whether ye be dead, you ought not to seek them; or Whether ye be above, you ought not to seek them. Does Christ appear? Neither does your life. It is in God, above. What then? When shall we live? When Christ shall be manifested, who is your life; then seek ye glory, then life, then enjoyment.

Author: John Chrysostom
Posted on: 2022-11-13

It was not idly or without purpose that I anticipated the event and instructed your loving assembly in all these matters, but I did so that you might be carried on by the wings of hope and enjoy the pleasure before you enjoyed the actual benefit. I did it, too, that you might adopt a purpose worthy of the rite, and as blessed Paul has exhorted, you might “mind the things that are above” and change your thoughts from earth to heaven, from visible things to those that are unseen. And we see the objects of bodily sight more clearly with the eyes of the spirit.

Author: Lucius Caecilius Firmianus Lactantius
Posted on: 2022-11-13

For if any one understands that God is to be worshipped, or has the hope of immortality set before him, his mind

Author: Shepherd of Hermas
Posted on: 2022-11-13

But such as entertain wicked thoughts in their minds are bringing upon themselves death and captivity; and especially is this the case with those who set their affections on this world.

Author: Urbanus I
Posted on: 2022-11-13

) rather things above, and not things on the earth;

Author: Matthew Henry
Posted on: 2024-08-24

As Christians are freed from the ceremonial law, they must walk the more closely with God in gospel obedience. As heaven and earth are contrary one to the other, both cannot be followed together; and affection to the one will weaken and abate affection to the other. Those that are born again are dead to sin, because its dominion is broken, its power gradually subdued by the operation of grace, and it shall at length be extinguished by the perfection of glory. To be dead, then, means this, that those who have the Holy Spirit, mortifying within them the lusts of the flesh, are able to despise earthly things, and to desire those that are heavenly. Christ is, at present, one whom we have not seen; but our comfort is, that our life is safe with him. The streams of this living water flow into the soul by the influences of the Holy Spirit, through faith. Christ lives in the believer by his Spirit, and the believer lives to him in all he does. At the second coming of Christ, there will be a general assembling of all the redeemed; and those whose life is now hid with Christ, shall then appear with him in his glory. Do we look for such happiness, and should we not set our affections upon that world, and live above this?

Verses that belong to this explanation: 1-4

🙏🏼 Prayer of the day

God, thank You for Your promise of peace. I may face uncertain and frightening things in this life, but I know You are bigger than my problems. As I walk with You today, help me to remember that no matter what I encounter, You are good. You promise to always be with me— and that brings me peace. In Jesus' name, Amen.

👤 Bible character of the week


Role in the Bible

Joab is a figure in the Old Testament, particularly in the books of Samuel. He was King David's chief general and played a central role in many of the military actions and political intrigues during David’s reign.

Historical Background

Joab was the son of Zeruiah, David's sister, making him David's nephew. He had two brothers, Abishai and Asahel, who also played significant roles in David’s military. Joab was known for his tactical brilliance but also for his sometimes ruthless and unilateral actions.

Significant Events

• Conquest of Jerusalem: Joab played a key role in the conquest of the Jebusite city of Jerusalem, which later became the capital of Israel.
• Battle against Absalom: During the rebellion of David’s son Absalom, Joab commanded the troops loyal to David. He killed Absalom against David’s explicit wish to spare him, leading to tensions between him and David.
• Involvement in the murders of Abner and Amasa: Joab killed Abner, another military leader and temporary rival, and later Amasa, whom David had briefly appointed as commander-in-chief. Both murders were politically motivated and solidified Joab’s position, but they also attracted criticism.
• Support in the succession struggle: Joab initially supported Adonijah, another son of David, in his attempt to become king. However, after Solomon ascended to the throne, Joab was executed for his previous actions and his involvement in the rebellion.


Joab is often portrayed as an ambivalent character, known both for his loyalty to David and his willingness to cross moral boundaries for political and personal goals.

Relevance Today

The story of Joab raises questions about the morality of leadership and loyalty. It highlights the complexity of political decisions and the potential personal and ethical conflicts associated with power and ambition. Joab’s life provides material for reflection on the limits of loyalty and the costs of power.


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Profile: Matthew Henry
Matthew HenryPriest | presbyter 23214 | 3
Profile: John Chrysostom
John Chrysostom Bishop | presbyter 7697 | 18
Profile: Augustine of Hippo
Augustine of Hippo Bishop | roman-catholic 5283 | 8
Profile: Ger de Koning
Ger de Koning Author | evangelical 3778 | 8
Profile: William MacDonald
William MacDonaldAuthor | presbyter 3633 | 8
Profile: Tadros Yacoub Malaty
Tadros Yacoub Malaty Monk | coptic-orthodox 1840 | 22
Profile: Jerome
Jerome Priest | roman-catholic 1791 | 5
Profile: Tertullian of Carthage
Tertullian of Carthage Author | - 1712 | 4
Profile:  Cyril of Alexandria
Cyril of AlexandriaPope | coptic-orthodox 1701 | 9
Profile: Ambrosius von Mailand
Ambrosius von Mailand Bishop | roman-catholic 1387 | 7
Profile: Ambrosiaster
Ambrosiaster Author | - 1036 | 3
Profile: Clement Of Alexandria
Clement Of Alexandria Author | - 867 | 7
Profile: Cyprian of Carthage
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Profile: Irenaeus of Lyons
Irenaeus of Lyons Bishop | - 636 | 5
Profile: George Leo Haydock
George Leo HaydockAuthor | - 635 | 2
Profile: Ephrem The Syrian
Ephrem The Syrian Monk | syrian-orthodox 553 | 9
Profile:  Shenouda III.
Shenouda III.Pope | coptic-orthodox 543 | 18
Profile: Basil the Great
Basil the Great Bishop | - 497 | 8
Profile: Hippolytus of Rome
Hippolytus of Rome Author | presbyter 471 | 4
Profile: Prof. Dr. Maurice Tawadros
Prof. Dr. Maurice TawadrosAuthor | coptic-orthodox 434 | 3
Profile: Hilary of Poitiers
Hilary of Poitiers Bishop | - 420 | 3
Profile: Daoud Lamei
Daoud LameiPriest | coptic-orthodox 358 | 16
Profile: Gregory of Nyssa
Gregory of Nyssa Bishop | - 289 | 4
Profile: Clement Of Rome
Clement Of Rome Bishop | - 247 | 3
Profile:  Youssef
YoussefBishop | coptic-orthodox 227 | 7
Profile: Athanasius the Apostolic
Athanasius the Apostolic Pope | coptic-orthodox 220 | 5
Profile: Gaius Marius Victorinus
Gaius Marius Victorinus Author | - 217 | 2
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Ignatius of Antioch Bishop | - 207 | 4
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Profile: Severian of Gabala
Severian of Gabala Bishop | - 120 | 2
Profile: Chromatius of Aquileia
Chromatius of Aquileia Bishop | - 90 | 1
Profile: Mina Dimitri
Mina DimitriPriest | coptic-orthodox 90 | 2
Profile: Peter Chrysologus
Peter Chrysologus Bishop | - 85 | 1
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Maximus of Turin Bishop | - 80 | 1
Profile: Polycarp of Smyrna
Polycarp of Smyrna Bishop | - 54 | 3
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Profile: Gabriel Wissa
Gabriel WissaPriest | coptic-orthodox 1 | 3
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