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John 11

40 Jesus saith unto her, ‹Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?›

Translation: King James Version


Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.

John 13:20
×Verse explanation

John 11:40

Jesus saith unto her, ‹Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?›

Author: Cyril of Alexandria
Posted on: 2022-11-13

A most excellent thing is faith, when it is produced from an ardent mind; and it has such great power that not only is the believer healed, but in fact others also have been healed besides them that believed; as the paralytic let down [through the tiles] at Capernaum, by the faith of those who carried him; and as Lazarus, by that of his sister, to whom the Lord said: If thou believest, thou shall see the glory of God; all but saying: "Since Lazarus, being dead, is not able to believe, do thou fill up that which is lacking of the faith of him that is dead." And the form of faith is twofold: first, dogmatic, consisting of an assent of the soul to something, as: He that believeth on the Son is not judged; and secondly, a gift by the participation of grace from Christ: For to one, He says, is given through the Spirit the word of wisdom, and to another faith, which is not merely dogmatic, but also capable of effecting things beyond human power, so as even to remove mountains. The faith of Martha however, by the feebleness of her reason, fell away into unbelief. But the Lord does not permit it to remain so: He effects a speedy remedy for the suffering. For He says she must believe, that she may behold what was beyond hope. For double-mindedness is a great infirmity and deprives us of the gracious gifts of God. Wherefore, by rebuking her, [Christ] warned the whole human race not to be detected in the evil ways of double-mindedness. And shunning vainglory, the Christ did not say: Thou shalt see My glory, but: the glory of God. And the glory of God was the raising the dead. Surely therefore He Himself Who said: I am the Resurrection, is by Nature the God Whose glory He says not long afterwards the woman should see, since Thou wilt suppose that the Truth----and the Christ is the Truth----does not lie. And it was promised to her that her dead brother should rise again. And Mary, being more intelligent, utters no word of doubt; but Martha was affected by the disease of double-mindedness.

Author: John Chrysostom
Posted on: 2022-11-13

3. A great blessing truly is faith, great, and one which makes great those who hold it rightly with (good) living. By this men (are enabled) to do the things of God in His name. And well did Christ say, If you have faith you shall say unto this mountain, Remove, and it shall remove Matthew 17:20; and again, He that believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do. John 14:12 What means He by greater? Those which the disciples are seen after this to work. For even the shadow of Peter raised a dead man; and so the power of Christ was the more proclaimed. Since it was not so wonderful that He while alive should work miracles, as that when He was dead others should be enabled to work in His name greater than He wrought. This was an indisputable proof of the Resurrection; nor if (that Resurrection) had been seen by all, would it have been equally believed. For men might have said that it was an appearance, but one who saw that by His name alone greater miracles were wrought than when He conversed with men, could not disbelieve unless he were very senseless. A great blessing then is faith when it arises from glowing feelings, great love, and a fervent soul; it makes us truly wise, it hides our human meanness, and leaving reasonings beneath, it philosophizes about things in heaven; or rather what the wisdom of men cannot discover, it abundantly comprehends and succeeds in. Let us then cling to this, and not commit to reasonings what concerns ourselves. For tell me, why have not the Greeks been able to find out anything? Did they not know all the wisdom of the heathen? Why then could they not prevail against fishermen and tentmakers, and unlearned persons? Was it not because the one committed all to argument, the others to faith? And so these last were victorious over Plato and Pythagoras, in short, over all that had gone astray; and they surpass those whose lives had been worn out in astrology and geometry, mathematics and arithmetic, and who had been thoroughly instructed in every sort of learning, and were as much superior to them as true and real philosophers are superior to those who are by nature foolish and out of their senses. For observe, these men asserted that the soul was immortal, or rather, they did not merely assert this, but persuaded others of it. The Greeks, on the contrary, did not at first know what manner of thing the soul was, and when they had found out, and had distinguished it from the body, they were again in the same case, the one asserting that it was incorporeal, the other that it was corporeal and was dissolved with the body. Concerning heaven again, the one said that it had life and was a god, but the fishermen both taught and persuaded that it was the work and device of God. Now that the Greeks should use reasonings is nothing wonderful, but that those who seem to be believers, that they should be found carnal, this is what may justly be lamented. And on this account they have gone astray, some saying that they know God as He knows Himself, a thing which not even any of those Greeks have dared to assert; others that God cannot beget without passion, not even allowing Him any superiority over men; others again, that a righteous life and exact conversation avail nothing. But it is not the time to refute these things now. 4. Yet that a right faith avails nothing if the life be corrupt, both Christ and Paul declare, having taken the more care for this latter part; Christ when He teaches, Not every one that says unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven Matthew 7:21; and again, Many will say unto Me in that day, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your Name? And I will profess unto them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you that work iniquity Matthew 22:23; (for they who take not heed to themselves, easily slip away into wickedness, even though they have a right faith;) and Paul, when in his letter to the Hebrews he thus speaks and exhorts them; Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14 By holiness, meaning chastity, so that it behooved each to be content with his own wife, and not have to do with any other woman; for it is impossible that one not so contented should be saved; he must assuredly perish though he have ten thousand right actions, since with fornication it is impossible to enter into the kingdom of heaven. Or rather, this is henceforth not fornication but adultery; for as a woman who is bound to a man, if she come together with another man, then has committed adultery, so he that is bound to a woman, if he have another, has committed adultery. Such an one shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven, but shall fall into the pit. Hear what Christ says concerning these, Their worm shall not die, and the fire shall not be quenched. Mark 9:44 For he can have no pardon, who after (possessing) a wife, and the comfort of a wife, then acts shamelessly towards another woman; since this is henceforth wantonness. And if the many abstain even from their wives when it be a season of fast or prayer, how great a fire does he heap up for himself who is not even content with his wife, but mingles with another; and if it is not permitted one who has put away and cast out his own wife to mingle with another, (for this is adultery,) how great evil does he commit who, while his wife is in his house, brings in another. Let no one then allow this malady to dwell in his soul; let him tear it up by the root. He does not so much wrong his wife as himself. For so grievous and unpardonable is this offense, that if a woman separate herself from a husband which is an idolater without his consent, God punishes her; but if she separate herself from a fornicator, not so. Do you see how great an evil this is? If, It says, any faithful woman have a husband that believes not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. 1 Corinthians 7:13 Not so concerning a harlot; but what? If any man put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, he causes her to commit adultery. Matthew 5:32 For if the coming together makes one body, he who comes together with a harlot must needs become one body with her. How then shall the modest woman, being a member of Christ, receive such an one, or how shall she join to herself the member of an harlot. And observe the excess of the one (fornication) over the other (idolatry). The woman who dwells with an unbeliever is not impure; (for, It says, the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife 1 Corinthians 6:15) not so with the harlot; but what? Shall I then make the members of Christ the members of an harlot? In the one case sanctification remains, and is not removed though the unbeliever dwells with his wife; but in the other case it departs. A dreadful, a dreadful thing is fornication, and an agent for everlasting punishment; and even in this world it brings with it ten thousand woes. The man so guilty is forced to lead a life of anxiety and toil; he is nothing better off than those who are under punishment, creeping into another man's house with fear and much trembling, suspecting all alike both slave and free. Wherefore I exhort you to be freed from this malady, and if you obey not, step not on the sacred threshold. Sheep that are covered with the scab, and full of disease, may not herd with those that are in health; we must drive them from the fold until they get rid of the malady. We have been made members of Christ; let us not, I entreat, become members of an harlot. This place is not a brothel but a church; if then you have the members of an harlot, stand not in the church, lest you insult the place. If there were no hell, if there were no punishment, yet, after those contracts, those marriage torches, the lawful bed, the procreation of children, the intercourse, how couldest thou bear to join yourself to another? How is it that you are not ashamed nor blushest? Do you not know that they who after the death of their own wife, introduce another into their own house, are blamed by many? Yet this action has no penalty attached to it: but you bring in another while your wife is yet alive. What lustfulness is this! Learn what has been spoken concerning such men, Their worm, It says, shall not die, and the fire shall not be quenched. Mark 9:44 Shudder at the threat, dread the vengeance. The pleasure here is not so great as the punishment there, but may it not came to pass that any one (here) become liable to that punishment, but that exercising holiness they may see Christ, and obtain the promised good things, which may we all enjoy, through the grace and lovingkindness of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost be glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

Author: Matthew Henry
Posted on: 2023-09-28

Christ’s tender sympathy with these afflicted friends, appeared by the troubles of his spirit. In all the afflictions of believers he is afflicted. His concern for them was shown by his kind inquiry after the remains of his deceased friend. Being found in fashion as a man, he acts in the way and manner of the sons of men. It was shown by his tears. He was a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. Tears of compassion resemble those of Christ. But Christ never approved that sensibility of which many are proud, while they weep at mere tales of distress, but are hardened to real woe. He sets us an example to withdraw from scenes of giddy mirth, that we may comfort the afflicted. And we have not a High Priest who cannot be touched with a feeling of our infirmities. It is a good step toward raising a soul to spiritual life, when the stone is taken away, when prejudices are removed, and got over, and way is made for the word to enter the heart. If we take Christ’s word, and rely on his power and faithfulness, we shall see the glory of God, and be happy in the sight. Our Lord Jesus has taught us, by his own example, to call God Father, in prayer, and to draw nigh to him as children to a father, with humble reverence, yet with holy boldness. He openly made this address to God, with uplifted eyes and loud voice, that they might be convinced the Father had sent him as his beloved Son into the world. He could have raised Lazarus by the silent exertion of his power and will, and the unseen working of the Spirit of life; but he did it by a loud call. This was a figure of the gospel call, by which dead souls are brought out of the grave of sin: and of the sound of the archangel’s trumpet at the last day, with which all that sleep in the dust shall be awakened, and summoned before the great tribunal. The grave of sin and this world, is no place for those whom Christ has quickened; they must come forth. Lazarus was thoroughly revived, and returned not only to life, but to health. The sinner cannot quicken his own soul, but he is to use the means of grace; the believer cannot sanctify himself, but he is to lay aside every weight and hindrance. We cannot convert our relatives and friends, but we should instruct, warn, and invite them.

Verses that belong to this explanation: 33-46

Author: Ger de Koning
Posted on: 2023-12-30

The Lord Calls Lazarus to Come Forth
The Lord does not appear as an unmoved great one with the self-assurance of an almighty at the tomb. When He gets there, He again is deeply moved within. He was that when He saw the effect of death’s power in the sorrow of the sisters and the others [Verse 33]. Here He is in the direct presence of death itself.

The tomb is in a cave of which the opening is closed with a stone. The Lord commands the stone to be removed. He Himself could have removed the stone or by some wonder cause it to roll away. He does not do that. We always see that He never takes from people what they themselves can do. He always engages people when something has to happen that they can do themselves. He takes care of the impossible, that which people cannot do.

Martha thinks she has to remark that removing the stone paves the way for the stench of a decaying body. She thinks that the only consequence of the removing of the stone is that they are all again emphatically confronted with the deceased Lazarus in a very unpleasant way. She soon forgot what He said. The Lord lovingly reminds her of this and encourages her to believe. It is a lesson for us to heed the Word in faith. We will reap the fruit of such faith. That fruit is to see the glory of God.

People obey the Lord’s command and remove the stone. Then He first raises His eyes and thanks His Father. He does not immediately call out Lazarus. First He shows His deep dependence on His Father in expressing His thanks to Him that He heard Him even before He called Lazarus to life.

The Lord expresses His complete trust in the Father as the One Who always hears Him. He does not do this for Himself, but for the sake of the crowd around Him. His great goal is always to bear witness to the Father Who sent Him and that they will believe in Him. In turn, the Father’s purpose in doing so is to glorify His Son in it. He receives this glorification from the Father because He always does what is pleasing to Him.

After He has spoken to the Father in the presence of the crowd, He raises His voice and calls out Lazarus. The Lord Jesus ‘cries out’ several times in this Gospel. The first time it is a crying out to come to Him and believe in Him [John 7:37]. That is the call of the gospel. The second time is here, a crying out to the dead. We can link this to the power of the Lord’s voice to bring to life the spiritual dead [John 5:25]. The third time is a final crying out to the people to believe in Him [John 12:44].

At the cry of command of the Lord, “the man who had died” comes forth. Lazarus is emphatically referred to as “the man who had died” in order to put all the emphasis on making a dead person alive. The dead person comes forth because he heard the voice of the Son of God [John 5:25]. There Lazarus comes walking out of the tomb, while the wrapping and sweat cloth are still on him. Everything that reminds us of death is still with him, but he himself is alive.

Then the Lord says that Lazarus must be freed from his tomb cloth and sweat cloth. Again we see that He gives an order to others. He not only gives life, but He also gives freedom. From a spiritual point of view this liberation is the teaching from the Word of God that teachers give to the newly converted. In this way a person who has come to repentance learns to give up everything that belongs to his old life, what belongs to death, so that he can go his way in freedom for the Lord.

Verses that belong to this explanation: 38-44

Author: William MacDonald
Posted on: 2024-02-27

It is unclear when Jesus spoke the words of [Verse 40]. In [Verse 23], he had told Martha that her brother would rise again. But undoubtedly, what he said to her here was essentially the same as what he had previously told her. Note the sequence of this verse: "Believe ... see." It is as if the Lord Jesus was saying, "If you just believe in me, you will see me perform a miracle that only God can do. You will 'see the glory of God' revealed in me. But you must first believe, then you will see."

🙏🏼 Prayer of the day

God, at all times, let Your will be done in me. I know this isn't an easy thing to say. I know that following You requires accepting struggles that are beyond my control. But I also know that Your plans are good, and I want to take part in those plans. So today, I surrender. Teach me Your will. In Jesus' name, Amen.

👤 Bible character of the week



Elijah is one of the most prominent prophetic figures in the Old Testament, especially in the First Book of Kings. He is known for his confrontations with King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, as well as for his powerful miracles and zeal for the God of Israel.

Historical Background

Elijah appeared during the reign of King Ahab in Israel, a time marked by religious apostasy and the worship of Baal, a Canaanite god. Elijah challenged the people of Israel to turn away from Baal worship and return to God.

Significant Events

• Confrontation with the Prophets of Baal: Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, culminating in a spectacular miracle where God sent fire from heaven.
• Flight into the Wilderness: After being threatened by Queen Jezebel, Elijah fled into the wilderness, where he was nourished and comforted by God.
• Ascension to Heaven: Elijah was taken up into heaven in a chariot of fire, making him a unique figure in biblical history.


Elijah is often seen as a symbol of prophetic courage and devotion to God. His story emphasizes the power of God and the importance of steadfast faith.

Relevance Today

Elijah inspires spiritual steadfastness and the courage to stand against injustice and falsehood. His experiences show that God strengthens those who rely on Him in challenging situations.

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