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John 13

20 ‹Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.›

Translation: King James Version


When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up his spirit.

John 19:30
×Verse explanation

John 13:20

‹Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.›

Author: Cyril of Alexandria
Posted on: 2022-11-13

Having previously shown in a manner suitable to the occasion that He is the Christ, and having indicated the means by which the traitor was meditating his grievous outrage against Him, He now devises another very effectual method for overthrowing his evil designs. And now again His discourse seems to be marked by a certain want of distinctness: for He is still trying to conceal the daring deed, and as yet does not openly say who is about to betray Him. He proves therefore, and that very effectually by a clear illustration, that it is absolutely necessary to consider the Person of God the Father as included in the object of the love and reverence shown to Himself. And yet the main object that He wishes here to demonstrate is surely not this, but rather perhaps in my opinion exactly the converse. For leaving, as seems probable, the plainer [negative] form of speech, which He used at other times,----as for example in the words: He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father,----He has here passed to the milder [positive] form of expression, intending all the while that His hearers should from this infer the converse. For surely it was a time for threatening rather than for exhortation, when the deed was already at the doors, and when the grievous outrage against Him was already in course of preparation. For Satan had already planted the evil design in the heart of the traitor. "As therefore," He says, "a man would certainly acknowledge Me in My own person and not another, if he received one who had been sent by Me; even so he that received One sent forth by God the Father would in all likelihood receive the Father Himself." But in these words of Christ any one may perceive the meaning indicated, seeing through the mildness of the language. And turning the statement into its converse, the traitor's impiety will be seen to be a transgression, not only against the Son, but also against even the Father Himself. The language used is therefore a form of threatening, though couched in somewhat mild terms; and it conveys the same idea that words of foreboding would properly suggest. For even as one among ourselves will receive one sent by God, assenting to the words he speaks, and paying honour to the God of Whom he preaches by observing the Divine oracles he proclaims; on just the same grounds I think one would receive the Lord, and through Him the Father, by believing on the Son. For the manifestation of the parent is ever the natural office of the offspring. So he who has fully believed that Christ is the Son thereby fully confesses the God Who begat the Son. Terrible therefore is the sentence pronounced on the traitor, since his rebellious insult is even against God the Father, because so much is involved in his impious outrage against the Son. For if with unswerving faith he had acknowledged the Son to be God of God, he would then have accepted and reverenced Him, submitting heart and soul in sincerity to Him as to the Lord; and then would the wretched man have found his love to Christ stronger than base passions, nor methinks would he, by being found guilty of treachery, have made it true concerning himself that it would have been better for him if he had never at all been born.

Author: John Chrysostom
Posted on: 2022-11-13

1. Great is the recompense of care bestowed upon the servants of God, and of itself it yields to us its fruits. For, he that receives you, it says, receives Me, and he that receives Me, receives Him that sent Me. Matthew 10:40 Now what can be equal to the receiving Christ and His Father? But what kind of connection has this with what was said before? What has it in common with that which He had said, If you do these things happy are you, to add, He that receives you? A close connection, and very harmonious. Observe how. When they were about to go forth and to suffer many dreadful things, He comforts them in two ways; one derived from Himself, the other derived from others. For if, He says, you are truly wise, ever keeping Me in mind, and bearing about all both what I said, and what I did, you will easily endure terrible things. And not in this way only, but also from your enjoying great attention from all men. The first point He declared when He said, If you do these things happy are you; the second when He said, He that receives you receives Me. For He opened the houses of all men to them, so that both from the sound wisdom of their manners, and the zeal of those who would tend them, they might have twofold comfort. Then when He had given these directions to them as to men about to run through all the world, reflecting that the traitor was deprived of both of these things, and would enjoy neither of them, neither patience in toils, nor the service of kind entertainers, He again was troubled. And the Evangelist to signify this besides, and to show that it was on his account that He was troubled, adds,

Author: The Apostolic Constitutions
Posted on: 2022-11-13

For says the Lord: "He that heareth you, heareth me; and he that heareth me, heareth Him that sent me. "And, "He that despiseth you, despiseth me; and he that despiseth me, despiseth Him that sent me."

Author: Matthew Henry
Posted on: 2023-09-28

Our Lord had often spoken of his own sufferings and death, without such trouble of spirit as he now discovered when he spake of Judas. The sins of Christians are the grief of Christ. We are not to confine our attention to Judas. The prophecy of his treachery may apply to all who partake of God’s mercies, and meet them with ingratitude. See the infidel, who only looks at the Scriptures with a desire to do away their authority and destroy their influence; the hypocrite, who professes to believe the Scriptures, but will not govern himself by them; and the apostate, who turns aside from Christ for a thing of naught. Thus mankind, supported by God’s providence, after eating bread with Him, lift up the heel against Him! Judas went out as one weary of Jesus and his apostles. Those whose deeds are evil, love darkness rather than light.

Verses that belong to this explanation: 18-30

Author: Ger de Koning
Posted on: 2023-12-30

Receive Him Who Has Been Sent by the Son
In [Verse 16] the Lord spoke of those who are sent to wash the feet of others. He said that they should not feel too good to do this service. After all, He, the Lord and the Teacher, has shown it to them and by doing so has given them an example. Now He speaks about those whose feet need to be washed. He makes it clear that it is not up to whom receives this service, to decide whether the person who comes pleases him or not. It is about accepting the service of foot washing.

Whoever comes to wash our feet is sent by the Lord and is to be received as such. Even if a Judas were to come to us, we would still have to receive him since he was sent by the Lord. Hence, we will receive the blessing, because by receiving such a person, we receive the Lord Jesus and the Father. Accepting this service will also mean that we will not share in the fate of Judas. The fate of Judas is not for those who receive the ones sent by the Lord.

Author: William MacDonald
Posted on: 2024-02-28

Our Lord knew that the betrayal could cause the other disciples to stumble or fall into doubt. Thus, He adds this word of encouragement here. They should always remember that they had a divine commission. They would be so closely identified with Jesus that the one who received them, also received Him. Likewise, those who accepted Christ, also accepted God the Father. In this way, they were to be encouraged by their close connection with God the Son and God the Father.

🙏🏼 Prayer of the day

God, it's easy for me to worry about circumstances in my life. Each day, help me to remember that You are always in control. Today, I'm trusting in Your provision, protection, and plans for me. Because I know You care about every need and desire I have—I know I can rest. Give me peace as I give You control of my life. In Jesus' name, Amen.

👤 Bible character of the week



Elijah is one of the most prominent prophetic figures in the Old Testament, especially in the First Book of Kings. He is known for his confrontations with King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, as well as for his powerful miracles and zeal for the God of Israel.

Historical Background

Elijah appeared during the reign of King Ahab in Israel, a time marked by religious apostasy and the worship of Baal, a Canaanite god. Elijah challenged the people of Israel to turn away from Baal worship and return to God.

Significant Events

• Confrontation with the Prophets of Baal: Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, culminating in a spectacular miracle where God sent fire from heaven.
• Flight into the Wilderness: After being threatened by Queen Jezebel, Elijah fled into the wilderness, where he was nourished and comforted by God.
• Ascension to Heaven: Elijah was taken up into heaven in a chariot of fire, making him a unique figure in biblical history.


Elijah is often seen as a symbol of prophetic courage and devotion to God. His story emphasizes the power of God and the importance of steadfast faith.

Relevance Today

Elijah inspires spiritual steadfastness and the courage to stand against injustice and falsehood. His experiences show that God strengthens those who rely on Him in challenging situations.

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